You are here. The sentence you see in bold letters next to a dot or pin shape on maps at rest stops, historical attraction city streets and airports.And in today's world on our phones; the arrow on the Google map showing you in real time exactly where you are and...
COVID-19 Reading Old Journals Project “Birthday Reflections” Part II – 2001-18
Last year my friends Alysia and Tonyehn organized a wonderful birthday party at the 16th Ward in Scranton for me.Reflecting on this gathering during this current COVID-19 crisis, I appreciate even more deeply the stream of people that came through that night to...
COVID-19 Reading Old Journals Project “Birthday Reflections” Part I – 1986-99
My 46 birthday is this Thursday, April 30, and because of the current COVID-19 crisis this year it will be different than all of the others that have ranged from gatherings in various bars and restaurants, parties and travel. My life, like everyone’s,...
Carried By a Great Wind: A Life Lesson from Tony Soprano
This quote attributed to the Ojibwe Tribe appears in episode three of the final season of The Sopranos celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and which I recently rewatched. The show that launched the anti-hero dramas that we now take for granted is timeless in...
Of Wall Calendars & Finding the Porch Within
Buying a wall calendar is an important ritual for me. Despite the ubiquitous digital calendar reminders available, there is something so real about a wall calendar. It greets me every day in the kitchen. I write my expenses on it. I draw smily faces when I work out...
Thoughts After the First Snowfall-November 2016
The first snowfall comes like an unplanned ritual. We never know when, but when it happens we stop. Struck again by what seems a sudden and numinous change. Wasn’t it just yesterday the grass was green and in need of cutting? Now the Japanese Maple’s blood red leaves...
Dental Appointment
I am in the waiting room at the dentist. Six months went fast. Last time I had a scarf wrapped around my face and now it is 90 degrees in the shade. My appointments always fall in July and then December, so any polite conversations with the staff revolve around either...
Blue Lotus
After a harrowing day of meetings, difficult personalities and small personal failures that have reduced my consciousness to a crater of spiritual devastation, I still have to buy shampoo. And there in the drugstore I face a panoply of choice so overwhelming that I...
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